Silicone Flangeless Plugs

SFP Series silicone flangeless plugs mask threaded holes, including the lead-in thread, without masking the surrounding area. Chemical-resistant, reusable and ideal for e-coating, powder coating, plating, anodizing and painting applications.

  • Color: Natural
  • Silicone service temperature: 600˚F (316˚C)
  • Additional sizes available (consult factory for details)
  • Additional material available: EPDM
SFP Series product diagram

Product Options

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in. in. in.
SFP-0157-0079 Natural 0.157 3.988 0.079 2.007 0.750 19.050
SFP-0236-0157 Natural 0.236 5.994 0.157 3.988 1 25.400
SFP-0315-0236 Natural 0.315 8.001 0.236 5.994 1 25.400
SFP-0394-0315 Natural 0.394 10.008 0.315 8.001 1 25.400
SFP-0406-0313 Natural 0.406 10.312 0.313 7.950 1 25.400
SFP-0415-0188 Natural 0.415 10.541 0.188 4.775 1 25.400
SFP-0468-0406 Natural 0.468 11.887 0.406 10.312 1 25.400
SFP-0472-0394 Natural 0.472 11.989 0.394 10.008 1 25.400
SFP-0551-0472 Natural 0.551 13.995 0.472 11.989 1 25.400
SFP-0562-0468 Natural 0.562 14.275 0.468 11.887 1 25.400
SFP-0625-0562 Natural 0.625 15.875 0.562 14.275 1 25.400
SFP-0630-0551 Natural 0.630 16.002 0.551 13.995 1 25.400
SFP-0641-0415 Natural 0.641 16.281 0.415 10.541 1 25.400
SFP-0709-0630 Natural 0.709 18.009 0.630 16.002 1 25.400
SFP-0718-0625 Natural 0.718 18.237 0.625 15.875 1 25.400
SFP-0750-0718 Natural 0.750 19.050 0.718 18.237 1 25.400
SFP-0787-0709 Natural 0.787 19.990 0.709 18.009 1 25.400
SFP-0868-0641 Natural 0.868 22.047 0.641 16.281 1 25.400
SFP-0875-0750 Natural 0.875 22.225 0.750 19.050 1 25.400
SFP-0886-0787 Natural 0.886 22.504 0.787 19.990 1 25.400
SFP-0945-0886 Natural 0.945 24.003 0.886 22.504 1 25.400
SFP-1000-0875 Natural 1 25.400 0.875 22.225 1 25.400
SFP-1024-0945 Natural 1.024 26.010 0.945 24.003 1 25.400
SFP-1032-1094 Natural 1.320 33.528 1.094 27.788 1 25.400
SFP-1094-0868 Natural 1.094 27.788 0.868 22.047 1 25.400
SFP-1102-1024 Natural 1.102 27.991 1.024 26.010 1 25.400
SFP-1125-1000 Natural 1.125 28.575 1 25.400 1 25.400
SFP-1250-1125 Natural 1.250 31.750 1.125 28.575 1 25.400
SFP-1547-1320 Natural 1.547 39.294 1.320 33.528 1 25.400
SFP-1744-1547 Natural 1.774 45.060 1.547 39.294 1 25.400
SFP-2000-1774 Natural 2 50.800 1.774 45.060 1 25.400

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